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  • Q-Control Touch Controller (90-690 cfm)
  • 7-Year Ceramic Block Desiccant Life (12-690 cfm)
  • Filtration Included
  • PDP Demand Integrated (90-690 cfm)
  • PDP Ship Loose Kit Selectable (4-64 cfm)
  • NEMA4 Controller Protection
  • Average Purge: 16%


The efficient new QCMD modular heatless desiccant dryer delivers the best drying capabilities at a fraction of the price. Available from 4 CFM up to 690 CFM, the QCMD delivers dry air with a -40 degree F dew point. The QCMD (12-690) also includes our new 7-year rated Solides ceramic desiccant technology that increases the desiccant life by 40% compared to standard desiccant bead dryers. The QCMD is also as rugged as it is efficient and is loaded with features such as advanced controllers, and Dew Point Demand for increased efficiency and energy savings.