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  • Air or water cooled models available
  • 1.5" and 3" NPT connections
  • 725 PSIG max operating pressure
  • 316 stainless steel brazed plate heat exchangers
  • Hermetically sealed refrigeration system
  • HFC refrigerant
  • Standard filter/separator
  • Timed electric condensate drain


The Hankison HPET Series High-Pressure Refrigerated Air Dryer is designed for 725 PSIG operation and incorporates compact plate heat exchanger technology to maintain a stable 38°F dew point throughout its lifespan, while also being built in accordance with UL/CSA certification.

The HPET dryers are designed for specific industrial applications such as blow molding, aeronautical valve testing, pharmaceutical packaging, and injection molding. The proven technology ensures years of trouble-free service.