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  • 600 to 6000 SCFM flow rate
  • 130 PSIG max operating pressure
  • Connections depending on model
    • 2 to 8in nominal
    • 50 to 101mm nominal
  • Materials depending on model:
    • Sch. 40 steel
    • Type L copper
    • Metric Aluminum
  • Pulse or threshold output
  • Optional wired or wireless output
  • Weather-resistant and surge protected
  • Housing rotates for vertical or horizontal installation


The CDI Meters 5450 Series Hot-Tap Flow Meter is designed to be installed under pressure. It incorporates two valves for the probes to pass through and a muffler that collects chips from the drilling process. The 5450 series takes an equal amount of installation time as the 5400 series meter and requires no shutdown of the compressed-air system.

The CDI 5450 meter measures flow by keeping one probe warmer than the other and determining the mass flow rate from the amount of heat required. The flow rate, in SCFM or equivalent units, is shown on a large, four-digit display; a 4-20 mA output and a pulse output permit remote display, totalizing, and data collection.


  • Monitoring of compressor-room output and distribution lines in medium to large-sized facilities.
  • Point-of-use monitoring in industrial processes that use large amounts of compressed air