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  • 100 to 400 SCFM flow rate
  • 200 PSIG max operating pressure
  • Connections depending on model:
    • 1/2 to 1 1/2in nominal
    • 25 or 40mm nominal
  • Materials depending on model:
    • Sch. 40 steel
    • Type L copper
    • Metric aluminum
  • Pulse or threshold output
  • Optional RS-485 network output
  • Weather-resistant and surge protected


The CDI Meters 5200 Series Flow Meter is designed to seal directly to the pipe with no cutting or welding required during installation. Each flowmeter is made and calibrated for a specific size of pipe, so the digital display indicates flow directly with no setup or adjustment. 

The CDI 5200 clamps onto a pipe, with two flow-sensing probes projecting into the pipe through 3/16in drilled holes. The meter measures flow by keeping one probe warmer than the other and determining the mass flow rate from the amount of heat required. The flow rate, in SCFM or equivalent units, is shown on a large, four-digit display; a 4-20 mA output and a pulse output permit remote display, totalizing, and data collection.

The CDI 5200 meters are commonly used for point-of-use monitoring of compressed air in textile mills, food packaging plants, groundwater remediation, printing plants and bottling plants; they are also widely used for branch-line monitoring.