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  • 20 or 40 SCFM flow rate
  • 200 PSIG max operating pressure
  • 3/8" or 1/2" nominal connection
  • 100V or 230 VAC
  • 600 Ohms output resistance
  • Optional RS-485 network output
  • Weather-resistant and surge protected


The CDI Meters 5100 Series Inline Flow Meter is designed for use with compressed air and nitrogen in low flow rate point-of-use applications. The CDI 5100 Series concentrates the flow into a small area to optimize the tradeoff between pressure drop and low-flow sensitivity. When used at 100 PSIG, it will create a pressure drop rate no greater than 1 PSI.

The flow is measured by the meter through the use of two probes, with one being kept at a warmer temperature than the other. It then determines and displays the mass flow rate in SCFM or equivalent units on the 4-digit LED display.