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{{ calcAvailability }}
Alternate Part Nos. {{pn}}



  • 2 to 30 HP options available
  • UL electrical controls
  • ASME/CRN powder coated air receiver
  • Auto start/stop
  • Heavy-duty industrial-grade electric motor
  • Magnetic motor starter
  • Single-stage industrial pump
  • Fully enclosed belt guard
  • Heavy-duty air filters


Industrial Gold Simplex oilless piston air compressor are specifically engineered to deliver clean, dry, and high-quality compressed air without the need for oil lubrication. The oil-free design has several advantages, including reduced maintenance requirements, improved air quality, and lower operating costs. Without oil in the compression chamber, the risk of oil contamination in the compressed air is eliminated, making it ideal for applications where clean air is critical, such as in laboratory, agricultural, food and beverage, and medical industries.

These compressors are available in a wide range of models and capacities to suit various industrial needs. Additionally, they come with various tank sizes, enabling users to select the right compressor for their specific requirements.