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  • Pressure:
    • 5 HP to 20 HP: 120 PSI
    • 30 HP to 40 HP: 145 PSI
  • 14.1 to 99.6 CFM capacities
  • 460/3/60 voltage
  • Inlet/discharge flex connections included
  • Steel plates and vibration pads included


The Amico Oilless Scroll Air Compressor delivers clean air for any critical operation by eliminating oil contamination, which is one of the major causes of equipment failure. The compressor operates without oil or lubricant inside the air compression chamber, which increases the lifetime of the compressor and lowers the cost of overall maintenance.

The Amico Oilless Scroll Air Compressor utilizes a premium efficiency motor, allowing for the compressor to start and stop based on usage and demand. This eliminates the need to operate the compressor unloaded, saving on electrical usage while decreasing wear and tear to the compressor.

In Stock

Manufacturer Stock

Part Number Price Available
$10,546.67 4 in stock
$44,963.10 1 in stock

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