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  • 6 to 10,500 CFM capacity
  • 0.7psi pressure loss
  • 300psi max pressure
  • 1,000 hour lifetime
  • ISO 8573


The Quincy Compressor QAF Series carbon filter removes hydrocarbon vapors and organic orders. The element contains selected activated carbons specifically developed for compressed air purification. The finely ground, activated carbons are imbedded in the binder free, microfiber fleece creating a highly efficient adsorbing surface. The QAF Series is ISO 8573 compliant and will reduce the contamination level of compressed air to 0.003 PPM by weight. Available in capacities from 6 to 10,500 CFM, the QAF Series features a push-fit proprietary element, dead-stop head-to-bowl connection to ensure safe closure, and a manual drain.

For optimum performance, 0.003 PPM adsorbers should be installed downstream of an air dryer and polishing coalescer.

In Stock

Part Number Price Available
QAF 175
$608.60 12 in stock
QAF 105
$557.60 7 in stock
QAF 25
$284.75 7 in stock
QAF 50
$288.15 6 in stock
QAF 70
$400.35 3 in stock
QAF 125
$578.85 1 in stock
QAF 280
$894.20 1 in stock
QAF 32
$286.45 1 in stock

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