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  • Drive options available
    • Belt drive (5 to 15 HP)
    • Gear driven (40 and 50 HP)
    • Direct drive (75 to 175 HP)
  • Optional air system solution (10 and 15 HP)
    • 60, 80, or 120 gallon receiver air tank
    • Refrigerated air dryer
    • 1 micron pre-filter
    • Pressure gauge
    • Tank drain


The Champion D-Series rotary screw air compressor offers a line of fixed speed, compact, and heavy-duty rotary screw air compressors that are ideal for 100% duty cycle applications where the constant compressed air demand is required.

The D-Series features an integrated airend design that reduces the number of connection points, enhances reliability, and eases serviceability. This reduced component approach extends beyond the airend into the oil and air cooler. The combination cooler design results in a reduction in energy consumption, low discharge air temperatures, and an increase in the reliability of the system.