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  • 725 PSIG
    • 60 to 2000 SCFM
  • 1450 PSIG
    • 60 to 2000 SCFM
  • 5000 PSIG
    • 28 to 775 SCFM
  • Filtration grades available:
    • X5 / RX5: 5 micron
    • X1 / RX1: 1 micron
    • XA / RX1: 0.01 micron
    • AC / RAC: 0.01 micron - activated carbon


The Walker Filtration Stainless Steel High Pressure Filter is available in four filtration grades from 5 to 0.01 micron and 0.01 micron Activated Carbon, the Stainless Steel High Pressure range guarantees maximum contaminant removal and offers varied flow rate capacities in 725, 1450, and 5000 PSIG pressure ratings.

The Stainless Steel High Pressure Filters provide a comprehensive range of high efficiency, high pressure filters. Ideally suited to industries such as laser etching, PET bottle blowing, offshore instrumentation, medical, and heavy industrial environments.

Manufactured from high grade stainless steel, the 21 models available offer varied flow rate capacities to meet filtration needs. Models C025, C037, and C050 incorporate the unique Walker Filtration designed push-fit color coded filter elements for easy identification and maintenance. Maintenance time is reduced and the filter can be located in the confined places.