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  • Pumping Speed:
    • 13 to 177 CFM
  • Adjustable gas ballast
  • Integrated oil mist filter

Tech Specs

Due to the complexity of the data presented in some of the images below, describing them accurately in text is challenging. If you require further assistance, please contact one of our engineers for more detailed information.

NAVAC UniDrive Series Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump Tech Specs


The NAVAC UniDrive Series Oil-Sealed Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump is a single-stage design that is optimized for applications with high moisture content. I deal for industries such as food processing and packaging. The integrated oil mist filter prevents oil vapor from exhausting into the equipment space and smoking while also prolonging the service life. The adjustable gas ballast allows for the different requirements of condensable gas to be exhausted.