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Starting Price: $6,278.05
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  • 2 to 15 HP models available
  • 4.1 to 48.7 ACFM
  • Start/stop pressure switch control
  • Mounted NEMA 1 Control Panel
    • NEMA 4 option available
  • Mounted XCNC Non Cycling Refrigerated Air Dryer included
    • XCNC11 on HR2 to HR7 models
    • XCNC32 on HR7F to HR15 models
  • Mounted air cooled aftercooler included
  • Intake Filter / Silencer
  • X-Series Pre-filter
  • 3-way Bypass Valve
  • ASME coded receiver (80, 120, or 240 gallon available depending on selected HP)
    • California code compliant receiver standard
    • Massachusetts coded fittings option available
    • Tank coating options available


The Champion R-Series AirStation Two Stage Piston Air Compressor is a complete compressor system with a XCNC non cycling refrigerated air dryer and air cooled aftercooler, all mounted on an ASME coded receiver tank.

The multi-finned cylinders enable cooler operating temperatures while the integral cylinder/head design allows for a low maintenance and trouble-free design. The two highly efficient lap joint compression rings with bi-directional seal provide efficient air delivery while the aluminum alloy first-stage piston and cast iron second-stage piston ensure proper system balance. The centrifugal unloader assures longer motor life by allowing the compressor to start unloaded every time.