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  • 1500 to 17000 SCFM
  • 200 PSI max working pressure
  • Flange connections
  • External float drains
  • Filtration Grades:
    • A: Activated Carbon - 0.01 micron particulate, 0.003 mg/m³ oil (not available with high-temp)
    • P: Pre-Filter - 5 micron particulate, 5 mg/m³ oil
    • X: General Purpose - 1 micron particulate, 0.5 mg/m³ oil
    • Y: Oil Removal - 0.01 micron particulate, 0.01 mg/m³ oil


The OZEN OFLF Series High Capacity Flanged Compressed Air Filter is designed to provide high-quality air. Two external float drains easily drain the liquid collected at certain points. The element that is placed into the filter by the tie rod system can be easily changed from the upper closure. Tanks are made according to ASME standards are used.