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  • 100 to 5000 SCFM capacity options
  • 230 PSIG max working pressure
  • 150°F max inlet air temperature
  • Integrated filters included with 100 to 1500 SCFM models

Tech Specs

Due to the complexity of the data presented in some of the images below, describing them accurately in text is challenging. If you require further assistance, please contact one of our engineers for more detailed information.

OZEN ODRC Thermal Mass Cycling Refrigerated Air Dryer Tech Specs


The OZEN ODRC Thermal Mass Cycling Refrigerated Air Dryer provides energy savings with varying inlet loads. The refrigeration circuit cools a liquid (thermal mass) and removes the heat from the compressed air. Utilizing the thermal mass enables the refrigerant compressor to cycle on and off to reduce energy consumption and provide a stable dewpoint.