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  • 5 to 1060 SCFM capacities
  • 230 PSIG max working pressure
  • 122°F max air inlet temperature
  • -40°F dewpoint standard
  • 110-230/1/50/60 voltage
  • Additional options:
    • -100°F dewpoint
    • Visual moisture indicator
    • Low ambient
    • Cycle Control/Purge Saver options


The DRYTEC SDM-US Series Modular Heatless Desiccant Air Dryer is a lightweight and compact design that offers total installation flexibility to meet specific needs. The SDM-US Series is less than half the weight and size of a traditional twin-tower design, allowing even the largest models to be easily moved through a standard doorway. 

The SDM-US Series is available in capacities from 5 to 1060 ACFM with a pressure dew point of -40°F (optional -100°F). The SDM-US Series is one of the industry's lowest pressure drop desiccant dryers using a highly engineered inlet and purge manifold design. Each dryer includes 2 pre-filters and 1 post-filter.