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  • Pre-piped pre and after filtration
  • Remote start/stop control
  • Adjustable NEMA cycle with NEMA 4 controls
  • 3/16in premium grade F200 activated alumina high capacity desiccant
  • Stainless steel desiccant sukports and air diffusers
  • Counter current regeneration, up flow drying, and down flow depressurization
  • Standard communication through RS-232/RS485 combo port


The Aircel AEHD Series is a line of externally heated, twin tower air desiccant dryers. They operate with a flow range of 150 to 3000scfm, depending on model selection, and a purge flow rate of 8%. They are equipped with stainless steel desiccant sukports and air diffusers to prevent channeling. The 3/16in F200 activated alumina offers the aids in pressure dew point performance. Additionally, these dryers feature NEMA 4 controls standard and offers adjustable NEMA cycles. Lastly, there are options for model upgrade, including low ambient protection and stainless steel air control tubing.