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Starting Price: $114,400.00
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  • 4000 to 13500 SCFM
  • Fully hermetic refrigeration compressor
  • Thermostatic expansion valves
  • Refrigeration high/low pressure shutdown with HP manual reset
  • Fan cycle control (air cooled models only)
  • Stainless steel refrigeration gauges
  • Refrigeration suction accumulators
  • Pneumatically controlled zero loss drains
  • Available in air or water cooled models
  • 5-Year Warranty


The Great Lakes Air GMNX Modular Cycling Refrigerated Air Dryer provides an energy-efficient refrigerated drying capacity of 4000 to 13500 SCFM. The cycling Trans-Temp thermal mass allows each modular unit to operate independently and cycle on and off as changes in system load are required. The interconnection of the modular concept supports a design of active redundancy. If one unit is required to be taken off line for maintenance or repairs the other units automatically work in unison to carry the load. As a company's compressed air demand increases modules can be added to facilitate a streamlined system expansion.